Tag Archives: white house

Decorations, Crafts And A Rich Dude

Yesterday was a bit of a busy day at the Ol’ White House. First came the holiday decorations preview and with that always comes a craft time photo op with the First Lady. It was followed up later in the day with a visit from some top CEO’s for a meeting with the President. I’ll spare you the super exciting pictures of them walking down the driveway. But Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO Of Goldman Sachs came out after the meeting to do some TV interviews with some nice light going on.

Plant Some Vegetables Y’all

Following on the heels of the Cherry Blossoms every year is the annual planting of the White House Kitchen Garden. Which may just be the most photographed vegetable garden on the planet.


A Good Ol’ Fashioned Round-Up

It’s been a pretty busy last few weeks and I’ve been neglecting the ol’ blog. So, here’s a sampling of the last couple of weeks. Everything from the First Lady Gardening, politicians gesturing, a rainy day and excited people in fancy clothes.

Oh Yeah, I Have A Blog

It’s been a very busy last few months in the corporate and news photography worlds for me. It seems in that I completely forgot to update my blog. So, here’s a good mix of stuff and things from the news side. You know, the usual President, Congressional Hearings, Women in lettuce bikini’s serving vegan hot dogs and people coping with 100 plus degree weather.

Dear Gilbert, There’s Two “T’s” in “States”

I was told an interesting little bit of information about the copy of the George Washington Lansdowne Portrait that hangs in the East Room of the White House today. At the feet of our nations first President is a copy of the Constitution of The United States along with some other books. However, whom ever made the copy of the painting – the original is housed in the National Portrait Gallery – spelled “States” incorrectly as “Sates”. Ooops.


Here’s the painting in an older photo:


They Call Him Bo




A White House Kind Of Easter




The Blue Room

I had a chance to make a few images of the Blue Room of the White House today prior to some remarks by President Obama.



Lucky Bastard


Thanks Y’all